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Detox 360˚™

Detox 360 Web
Detox 360º ™ is an integrative on-line Detox System.

Look and feel better than you have in years.

  • Detox your BODY
  • Detox your DIET
  • Detox your LIFE

Do You Experience Occasional…

  • Headaches?
  • Tiredness and sluggishess?
  • Aching joints and muscles?
  • Unfocused thoughts and fogginess?
  • Digestive problems

If so, the Detox 360º ™ program can help renew your sense of well-being.  This unique multi-pronged approach is different than other detox methods. Sometimes you just need a “jump start” to help you get on track.

More Than A Cleansing Program

Detox 360º ™ provides dietary and lifestyle recommendations with supportive nutritional formulas, to support health and wellness.  It is a multi-faceted program intended to support the immune, filtering, cleansing, and metabolic systems, as well as much more.  This program helps anchor health-supporting habits, so that dietary adjustments can be easy to follow.  Iand can be repeated periodically.  The dietary recommendations in this program help reduce problematic foods in one’s diet.

Five Week Program

This five-week program includes educational DVD’s, a manual with easy-to-use food guides and recipes, daily journals, detailed explanations of sources of toxicity, detox mechanisms, detox-supporting lifestyle practices, targeted nutrition and nutritional and homeopathic products.  You are taken through a simple, step-by-step approach with clear explanations how to complete each week’s regimen. Classes are held online and begin with a intro class. Classes are offered monthly on the first Monday of every month at 6:00 PM MST or Thursday at 9:00 AM MST.  You select which time works best for you. Let Carol know when you would like to start.

Experience Results

In just a few weeks, you can begin to experience results and look forward to continued improvement.  The Detox 360º ™ includes:

  • Dietary support of the body’s detox processes, emphasizing whole foods and eliminating know problematic foods.
  • Lifestyle practices such as regular exercise, healthy sleep habits, etc., that support detoxification.
  • Support of liver detox pathways.
  • Stimulating the kidneys, the lymphatic system, and the liver through physician -formulated homeopathic drainage complexes.
  • Identify food sensitivities and reduce inflammation.